BusinessOutside by Bart Foster
The Big Idea: Learn the tools to live a more productive, healthy, and intentional life.
- Start challenging conventional wisdom by asking: What problem are you trying to solve?
- Ask 5 Why’s to get to the root cause.
- Refusing to take no for an answer often leads to breakthroughs and key innovations.
- Dig your well before you’re thirsty by cultivating relationships and being helpful to others.
- Always end conversations by asking “How can I help?”
- Learn people’s names the very first time you meet them.
- 4-3-2-1. Have 4 stories ready to tell, 3 facts you are passionate about, 2 quotes that inspire you, and 1 question you can ask anyone in the world. (Eg. Knowing what you know now, if you had to do it over again, what would you tell your 20 year-old-self?)
- Other good questions: What are you excited about right now? What brings you joy? What’s keeping you up at night?
- Send people handwritten notes.
- Send people video messages.
- Try to avoid the small-talk and dive into the deep end by sharing something vulnerable about yourself.
- Know what your top 3 values are.
- Know what others’ top core values are.
- Know your Zone of Genius and try to spend more time there.
- Top performers value rest and recovery.
- Prioritize getting quality sleep.
- Spend some time outside every day.
- Thoughts become words. Words become actions. Actions become habits. Habits become character. Character becomes destiny.
- Read more. Listen to podcasts. Meditate. Focus on one thing at a time.
- Find a mantra. Eg. Make It Happen.
- There is no growth in comfort. Push yourself out of your comfort zone.
- Worried about failing? Write out the worst-case scenario. You might realize that you probably won’t die.
- Use the zip code strategy to figure out where you want to live. Visualize your ideal life.
- 7-7-7. How would you live if you had 7 years to live? 7 months? 7 days?
- Remember that life is short. We get about 4,000 weeks so be intentional about life.
- Cultivate an abundance mindset to reach orbit faster and more efficiently.
- Elon Musk has said he has dedicated his life to “accelerating the inevitable.” Eg. Electric vehicles and getting to Mars.