BusinessOutside by Bart Foster

The Big Idea: Learn the tools to live a more productive, healthy, and intentional life.

  1. Start challenging conventional wisdom by asking: What problem are you trying to solve?
  2. Ask 5 Why’s to get to the root cause.
  3. Refusing to take no for an answer often leads to breakthroughs and key innovations.
  4. Dig your well before you’re thirsty by cultivating relationships and being helpful to others.
  5. Always end conversations by asking “How can I help?”
  6. Learn people’s names the very first time you meet them.
  7. 4-3-2-1. Have 4 stories ready to tell, 3 facts you are passionate about, 2 quotes that inspire you, and 1 question you can ask anyone in the world. (Eg. Knowing what you know now, if you had to do it over again, what would you tell your 20 year-old-self?)
  8. Other good questions: What are you excited about right now? What brings you joy? What’s keeping you up at night?
  9. Send people handwritten notes.
  10. Send people video messages.
  11. Try to avoid the small-talk and dive into the deep end by sharing something vulnerable about yourself.
  12. Know what your top 3 values are.
  13. Know what others’ top core values are.
  14. Know your Zone of Genius and try to spend more time there.
  15. Top performers value rest and recovery.
  16. Prioritize getting quality sleep.
  17. Spend some time outside every day.
  18. Thoughts become words. Words become actions. Actions become habits. Habits become character. Character becomes destiny.
  19. Read more. Listen to podcasts. Meditate. Focus on one thing at a time.
  20. Find a mantra. Eg. Make It Happen.
  21. There is no growth in comfort. Push yourself out of your comfort zone.
  22. Worried about failing? Write out the worst-case scenario. You might realize that you probably won’t die.
  23. Use the zip code strategy to figure out where you want to live. Visualize your ideal life.
  24. 7-7-7. How would you live if you had 7 years to live? 7 months? 7 days?
  25. Remember that life is short. We get about 4,000 weeks so be intentional about life.
  26. Cultivate an abundance mindset to reach orbit faster and more efficiently.
  27. Elon Musk has said he has dedicated his life to “accelerating the inevitable.” Eg. Electric vehicles and getting to Mars.