Step 16: Rousseau, The Renaissance Man, & Iron Sharpening Iron
The Big Idea: The most successful people are generally renaissance people, who know a lot about a lot.
Our brains are simulation machines.
Jet pilots do not start learning by doing, they start in a simulator.
Learn by reading, not by trial and error.
Today, it is not very rewarding to be a renaissance person.
People in the past used to look up to renaissance people.
Top business people are generally renaissance people.
George Lucas used to read everything he could about a wide variety of subjects.
George Lucas and Steven Spielberg
Be eclectic in your interests.
Don’t read every book, only read the best books in each category.
Rousseau read over 200 books before writing his first book.
Learn how to play an instrument.
Learn a foreign language.
Know your history.
Know some art/literature/architecture.
Being able to discuss many subjects lets you connect with more people.
Being a renaissance, well-rounded man is not the same as being a jack of all trades.
The world is too competitive to be good at only one thing.
The middle of a forest is bare compared to the edge of the forest.
The most innovation comes at the convergence of different disciplines.
Tai Lopez is an entrepreneur, investor, and blogger who runs an awesome online book club. 67 Steps is a lecture series teaching how to be successful in health, wealth, love, and happiness. I’m a big fan.