Unbeatable Mind by Mark Divine, Part 2
A couple of weeks ago, I posted some notes on Unbeatable Mind, based on a quick skim and video from Philosopher’s Notes. I’m adding some more in-depth notes today.
Mark Divine is a former Navy SEAL turned life coach, fitness trainer, business trainer, and entrepreneur. Unbeatable Mind is about the mental training he learned as a Navy SEAL and beyond that can help you succeed in business and life.
1. The Five Mountains
You must train and integrate five separate lines of human development: physical, emotional, mental, intuitional, and spiritual/kokoro. (Similar to Tai Lopez’s 4 Pillars of the Good Life: 1) health, 2) wealth, 3) love, and 4) happiness.)
2. The First Premise
Win in your mind first by practicing insight meditation, starving the fear wolf and feeding the courage wolf, and knowing your purpose.
3. The 3 P’s and the One Thing
Know your Purpose, Passions, and Principles. Know the One Thing that is your mission in life.
4. Box Breathing
Practice box breathing (inhale for 5, hold for 5, exhale for 5, hold for 5) to reduce stress and focus concentration in chaotic times.
5. Big Four of Mental Toughness
Breathing, positivity, visualization, and goal setting.
6. Big Four of Emotional Resiliency
Self-esteem, orientation towards others, positive mindset, self-control.
7. Three Disciplines of the Warrior
Simplicity: reduce commitments, material possessions, and unsupportive relationships. Dedication: training is not optional and embrace the journey. Authenticity: connect to your 3P’s and One Thing.
8. Three Spheres of Awareness.
The most happy and successful people in the world are also the most aware. The three spheres of awareness are Self, Team, and Organization. Tools to practice self-awareness: meditation, contemplation, recapitulation (review your past), and journaling.
9. Universal Laws to Understand
a. The law of cause and effect: karma
b. The law of abundance: there is enough for everyone (Peter Diamandes’ Abundance)
c. The law of winning in your mind first (Sun Tzu)
d. The law of focus: fix your mind on what you want (Napoleon Hill)
e. The law of receiving: deliver value to the world and receive value in return
f. The Golden Rule: do unto others as you would have others do unto you
g. The law of surrender: surrender to the tide for enlightenment and peace (Lao Tzu)
h. The law of forgiveness (Nelson Mandela)
i. The law of non-attachment: detach from the material for contentment (Dalai Lama)
j. The law of nonresistance: fight violence with violence only as a last resort (Gandhi)
10. Trustworthiness
More trust increases transaction speed and lowers transaction costs.
11. Leadership
Management is doing things right. Leadership is doing the right things. Leaders craft a vision and motivate a team to fulfill it.
12. Humility
Take the blame and share the credit.
13. Determination and Perseverance
Give it everything — day after day. Find a way, or make one. Do or do not, there is no try.
14. Cognitive Biases
There are three brains: the reptilian, the mammalian, and the neocortex. Cognitive biases arise when we listen to the reptilian and mammalian. (Daniel Kahneman)
15. Execution Plans
Keep It Simple, Stupid. A good enough plan aims for 80% solution. Execute on an 80% solution and achieve micro-victories with increasing velocities.
16. SMART Goals
Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and appropriate time frame.
17. Team Training
Team training, retreats, off-site sessions are great for camaraderie, accountability, and respect among teammates. Participation should be mandatory, someone must lead, rotate leadership, engage experts, and make it fun.